About us Meet the Team Karen Franczak Project Lead - Discovery Catering I joined bemix (formerly Skillnet Group) in December 2016 as project lead for Discovery Catering. I have had a varied career leading up to this, from being an RE teacher, a primary teacher, catering and cookery teaching . A self-taught cook, this is my passion and I am so happy that I have been able to explore this in different ways for the past few years. I always dreamed of having my own little café as my favourite things to do are to cook and spend time with people. I was lucky enough to run my own place Leonora's in Canterbury for five years which I loved. My hopes for Discovery Catering are that we can reach out more into the community and develop and share some of the core values of bemix of co-production, sustainability and caring for our world. We are starting to explore this now through our partnership with Westgate Hall in Canterbury. I am lucky enough to have two wonderful daughters who constantly inspire me to be a better person. In my spare time I love to spend time with friends and family, usually involving food or with some crochet in my hands. Contact Karen