About us Vision and values We are EPIC (Our Core Values) We are EPIC (Our Core Values) We believe that all people should be treated as equals. All people should be valued as individuals. bemix exists to make sure that people can and should be seen • be heard • belong We areEqual We should have an equal place and voice. It is possible to organise society so everyone can be fully in the mix and not excluded. People We have qualities, abilities and potential. Taking time to understand us as individuals means we can be supported to achieve our goals and dreams. We have a right to choice and control over our own lives. Involved We should be seen, be heard and belong in our local community, including workplaces. A good society needs our contribution as much as everyone else’s. Co-workers We are the experts in our own lives. When we work together as equals with people who support us, everyone benefits. Find out about what Co-Production means to us. Our Vision Our Wider Values Download our Ethical Policy to find out more.