When Mia joined us on the Supported Employment programme last summer, she was keen to start a work placement that advanced her computer skills. Since then, Mia has proven herself to be a bit of a whizz when it comes to IT - producing some fantastic work in ‘Functional Skills’. Within the bemix Supported Employment programme, young people study and learn Functional Skills in subjects including Maths, English and Employability. 

When an internship as a Marketing Assistant at DZines became available, Mia jumped at the chance to take on the opportunity! DZines is a Web Design and Digital Marketing Company, based in Dover in Kent.


Mia at work in the DZines Dover office


After a number of taster days to check the placement was a good match, Mia began her placement earlier this year and has been thriving in her role since. Her duties include creating content for blogs, increasing search optimisation for websites and helping to customise websites. Mia's love of IT and her methodical approach to work, have proven a winning combination and she has excelled at completing tasks efficiently and accurately.

“Mia is doing really well, she gets her head down and gets on with her tasks, she should be very proud!” - Helen, Mia’s manager

With the continued support and encouragement from the dedicated team at DZines, along with her Work Coach, Grace, we're excited to see what Mia learns next in her role!


“I love the way I am treated in the workplace” - Mia

Within our Supported Employment programme, young people grow confidence, independence and employability skills - preparing them for the world of work. Each placement is matched to the individual, paying close attention to their interests, goals and aspirations. 

Our programme is a mutually beneficial relationship. This means that organisations across Kent are matched with individuals who are ready to prove themselves as loyal, committed and reliable employees - willing to learn and keen to grow. Employers are matched with young people who can, and do, make meaningful contributions to their business and who often fulfil a previously unmet business need. bemix Good News Stories showcase countless examples of success, as well as instances of businesses creating roles specifically for individuals who they have seen great value in, and who they would like to retain within their organisations.

As part of our programme, bemix provides free, on-site support for an employer throughout an entire internship. bemix work coaches work with interns every step of the way, with regular support and communication to ensure that everything is going well. This kind of supportive partnership guarantees a great experience and outcome for everyone.

At bemix, we are proud to work with organisations who have the vision to see the value in everyone. A good society needs and values our contribution - we should be seen, be heard and belong - including within workplaces. At bemix we believe that all people should be treated as equals and valued as individuals - our core EPIC values outline this.


If you are a young person looking to make the journey from education into employment, find information about our Supported Employment programmes, click here.

If you are an organisation looking for more information about how your business can be involved in Supported Internships, click here.

For more Good News Stories about Supported Employment, click here.