Kai and Michael began their journey to employment with a bemix Supported Internship, in the Laundry Department at Medway Maritime Hospital. Within just a couple of weeks, they were able to demonstrate the positive impact they were having on the department production numbers!


  • On a typical day staff fold 1,700 towels using machinery - with Kai and Michael now working in the department, output has grown to 2,800!

  • In one day, an additional 1,000 pillow cases were folded, on top of the already increased output!

  • On a typical day scrubs are folded and returned to theatre staff by 1pm - with Kai and Michael in the team, the scrubs have been returned to theatres by 11am on some days!


A fantastic outcome for Medway Maritime Hospital!

“As well as great production numbers, I have seen a positive impact on existing staff, pushing everyone to improve themselves. Every member of staff has embraced the programme and the young people, which is what I was hoping for.” - Jon Buckland, Assistant Facilities Manager



With an opportunity to demonstrate their value, and the right support, Kai and Michael are thriving in their role at Medway Maritime Hospital! We can’t wait to hear more about their journey.


"It's fun working here. Helping to get more done than the target makes me feel good." - Kai


"I am really happy. We are like heroes. I find the placement interesting and am hoping to break more records. This is helping me to get ready for work" - Michael


Watch the video below to hear directly from the Medway NHS Foundation Trust team at Medway Maritime Hospital.



About Supported Internships

With bemix, people aged 16-24 with an EHCP can be supported to make the journey from education to employment by enrolling in a Supported Internship programme, like Kai and Michael at Medway Maritime Hospital.

Supported Internships provide young people with learning difficulties and/or autism with a transformative pathway towards inclusivity and independence (at the heart of all we do in bemix, as per our Vision and Values), with the aim of paid employment at the end of the programme. Young people develop employability skills, build confidence and grow ambitions.

bemix Supported Employment Specialists work closely with an intern, matching them with an employment opportunity in a workplace, based on their interests, ambitions and strengths. Specialists work with young people from the moment they join bemix, and support is provided for as long as it is needed. Once the work placement begins, interns learn and train within the role at their workplace, and in a classroom.

For employers, Supported Internships provides access to a largely untapped and talented local workforce. By welcoming a young person into their workplace, employers gain committed, enthusiastic and skilled employees who make meaningful contributions to their business. Employers in our programmes recognise the skills and potential of young people who gain confidence and independence when given the opportunity to demonstrate their value. Interns contribute a diverse range of skills, share fresh ideas and have the potential to boost the morale of an entire team or organisation. As with interns on the programme, employers are supported every step of the way by bemix Supported Employment Specialists.

Young people are proving themselves to be valuable assets to employers in Kent and gaining paid employment at the end of their internship, time and again! Employers with the vision to see the value in everyone are employing loyal, dedicated and reliable employees who are making meaningful contributions to their organisations.


If you are a young person looking to make the journey from education into employment, find information about our Supported Employment programmes, click here.

If you are an organisation looking for more information about how your business can be involved in Supported Internships, click here.

For more Good News Stories about Supported Employment, click here.