PR has been having support through Life Choices since 2015. He is currently working with our Project Lead for Life Choices, Joe, to develop and deliver training for others around autism awareness.  The story below is an account of PR's journey with the project.

"Life was difficult and troubled.  I spent a lot of my days not really going anywhere.  There was a gap between my education and support starting.  It was fairly bleak at this time.  Though I wanted to try new things and think about a larger future, it was difficult to do this and there wasn't much support to make this happen.

Since support [with Life Choices] started, I have had something to look forward to in my week.  It has enabled me to get out and try new things - archery, cooking and linking up with like-minded people to celebrate what is going well and to support each other around things that could be better.  Support has also provided safe opportunities to face some of my fears and to make plans knowing that someone will be able help make things happen.

I have taken a more proactive and positive outlook on my health and am taking steps to improve my health through exercise and organising weekly menus at home.

There were sadly some tragic circumstances for me and my family this year.  The support that I have received has been integral to managing the practical and emotional aspects of these and has enabled me to keep working towards a more proactive and enjoyable life.

I have found that Skillnet [now called bemix] has been prepared to go above and beyond to enable me.  An example of this was when Joe, my supporter, took my family and me to Kings Hospital in London to visit my father, who at the time was in very grave health.  Support has, at times, informally extended to my family to help ensure that plans for the week and responses to occasional difficulties are managed smoothly.

Skillnet [now called bemix] has both the delicacy and the skill to help me understand what needs to be done and to help me take steps to get there."


Story by PR, Life Choices. September 2017.