Phillip has been receiving personalised, individual support through Life Choices since 2015.

"Support... has enabled me to get out and try new things - archery, cooking and linking up with like-minded people to celebrate what is going well and to support each other around things that could be better.  Support has also provided safe opportunities to face some of my fears and to make plans knowing that someone will be able help make things happen.... Skillnet [bemix] has both the delicacy and the skill to help me understand what needs to be done and to help me take steps to get there." - Phillip, 2017

As with all of our projects, Life Choices does not only support individuals with learning difficulties and/or autism to learn the skills needed to become more independent  and progress towards their goals.  The project also works with the wider community to improve understanding of learning disability and autistic spectrum conditions.   With greater understanding comes a greater respect and the ability to support people and work towards a truly inclusive society.

As part of Phillip's support, he has been working alongside Joe, Life Choices' Project Lead, to develop Autism Awareness Training.  The pair piloted the training to the bemix workforce and it was a huge success.  The 6 hour training session includes personal stories, interactive exercises and multimedia demonstrations.

Above all, Phillip and Joe emphasise the need to see the individual and to avoid stereotyping people.

"If you've met one person with autism - then you've met one person with autism!"

Feedback from the training

"We watched a fascinating podcast and did an activity that had everyone giggling as they tried to squish themselves onto a small blanket!" - Sylvie, Education and Communications Administrator

''It was very informative and enlightening.  Just when you think you understand what is it to work with someone with Autism, you then work with another person with autism and goal posts move.  It is constant learning circle and supporting people with Autism should be done on a individualised basis.  Thanks to Joe and Phil, for their insight.'' - Ali, Functional Skills Tutor

"Today's autism awareness training has been very insightful and interesting. A new way of looking at autism using different exercises and visual methods with a personal touch by hearing from Phil and listening to his story - thank you! " - Rosie, Work Coach

"I thought the training was full of useful information." - Molly, Administration Apprentice

If you would like Phillip and Joe to deliver Autism Awareness Training for you or your group, please contact Joe to discuss your requirements.