Head of Wellbeing

What do you love about working with bemix?

I love that we are so inclusive; we all encourage each other to be ourselves and pursue the things that fulfil us. I love being part of a community where everyone is passionate about taking that attitude and culture out into wider society.

How long have you been involved with bemix?

Since 2009.

What is your role in bemix?

I am Head of Wellbeing. I work on making sure we have the training, projects and ways of working we need to support people’s emotional and mental health and wellbeing within bemix.

What did you do before you joined bemix?

My first job was working in a CD and record shop from the age of 14 to 19 which I LOVED! I was involved in a number of environmental and sustainability focused organisations. I volunteered for 10 years as a listening volunteer for Samaritans before training as a Counsellor.

What do you enjoy doing when you're not working?

I like to try new things, spending time with my two children and with friends. I enjoy long walks in nature and most arty and creative things.